80% of how we look and feel is how we feed our bodies



Dietary protein is one of the most significant hurdles to tackle when it comes to your physique and making improvements to it. Proteins are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of life. Why is protein so important? Well…we need proteins and amino acids in our bodies to produce important molecules – like enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters and antibodies. Without adequate protein in our diets we can’t function optimally. Protein also helps to replace worn out cells, transports various substances throughout the body, as well as aiding in growth and repair.

We need a small amount of protein to survive, but we need more to thrive. Everyone’s protein needs are different depending on goals, activity level and age. Since our body cannot store protein like it can carbohydrates and fats; a good rule is to shoot for approximately 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. 


Carbohydrates are organic molecules that our body breaks down and digests to provide us with our main source of immediate energy. A few things…carbs aren’t evil and carbs don’t make you fat. There are no “good” carbs or “bad” carbs. There are complex carbs that give us sustained energy because of the longer digestion time due to their increased fiber content. Simple carbs have little to no fiber, are digested quickly and give us a shorter burst of energy. We need a mix of complex and simple carbs to help us perform our daily tasks as well as our athletic ones. A little nugget…not only do carbs give us energy, but they also help our muscles to repair and grow. Higher amounts of carbohydrates are need with increased muscle mass and increased activity levels.

Per studies the average person should consume around 130-150 g of carbs a day with the majority of that intake coming from fruits and vegetables. Now, this also depends on your goals, training, your body type, etc. Carb tip…pay attention to your fiber intake. The minimal recommendation is 25 g per day. Optimal fiber intake is 35 g a day for women and 45 g a day for men. If you’re chasing the right types of carbohydrates your fiber levels will reflect this and you will also promote healthy blood glucose levels, gut health, immunity and have less food cravings!

Healthy Fats

We are so concerned about excess dietary fat, but not getting enough quality fats may also cause health problems. There two types of fats. And no it isn’t “bad” fats or “healthy fats.” Saturated and unsaturated fat is the correct answer. Saturated fats are mostly solid at room temperature and they include animal fats and tropical oils. Unsaturated fats consist of olive oil, avocado, tree and ground nuts, flax and fish oil as well as most seed oils. All fat sources have 9 calories per gram, so just because its “healthy” don’t over consume them. A better definition of healthy fats are fats you consume through whole minimally processed foods while unhealthy fats are consumed through eating highly processed non-perishable foods.

Fats exhibit some super powers within our body. We need adequate fat to support metabolism, cell signaling, the health of various body tissues, immunity, hormone production and the absorption of nutrients. Having enough fats will help you feel full between meals as well as provide cardiovascular protection, improved body composition, alleviate depression, prevent cancers, promote eye health, preserve memory and help with ADD and ADHD symptoms….yadda yadda yadda.

In our Western culture diet we get a lot of the fats we don’t need and not enough of what we do need. Omega 3’s are super important to our bodies. It never hurts to supplement this with 3-6 g of a quality fish oil daily that has DHA and EPA.

There is so much information out there. Try not to worry about percentages of this or that when it comes to fat intake. Keep it simple, eat a variety of nuts, seeds, fish, avocados and DARK CHOCOLATE :) along with as many unprocessed whole foods as you can.  

Super Shakes

 Berry Medley Super Shake

Shakes are a great way to supplement a healthy meal on the go, break up the monotony of your snack routine and for me just a fun way to mess around with different flavor combinations.

The Super Shake Guide: pick a liquid, a protein powder, a veggie, a fruit and a healthy fat.

This is my go to Super Shake…

  • 1 Cup Almond Milk

  • 1 Cup Frozen Berry Medley

  • 1/2 Cup Oikos Triple 0 Vanilla Greek Yogurt

  • 1/4 Cup Almonds

  • Fill up the remaining space in your blender or Nutri Bullet with the best Super Food on the planet pound for pound…SPINACH!!

572 Calories, 52g Protein, 49g Carbohydrates, 21g Fat, 16g Fiber

Bottoms up!! Enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you are giving your body everything it needs to perform and recover at its best…GAINZ!


Meals and Desserts

 Stuffed Peppers

Want something to warm up your insides on a cold winter day and feed that body properly? Well this is what you’re looking for and the left over stuffing can be used later in the week for other meals.

  • 2 pounds of lean ground beef

  • 6 cloves of garlic

  • 1 white onion

  • Olive oil

  • 2 Jars of your favorite red sauce

Chop onion, smash garlic and sweat down with some olive oil salt and pepper.

Brown lean ground beef. Then add beef and sauce to pot with onions and garlic, let simmer for as long as you like!

Cut tops off peppers, core them out, place a splash of olive oil in each with salt and pepper.

Pre heat oven to 350 F. Take a roasting pan and place a thin layer of water in pan, place peppers face down and place in oven for 15 minutes to steam peppers. Take them out flip them over, fill them up with your meat. Bake additional 25 minutes at 350 F.

Serve with a salad, baked potatoes, rice or they are a solid meal just by themselves.

Be creative and put your own spin on it!

Breakfast Burritos

This is the perfect breakfast to have on the menu! Who doesn’t love Steak, Eggs, Bacon and a little cheese to start the day? If you get two of these at your favorite bakery or restaurant you’re easily dropping $10-15 and the I guarantee the quality will be less as well. Fueling up the body to succeed!

  • 4 eggs

  • 2 pieces of bacon

  • Steak of your choice

  • 1/4 cup of shredded cheese of your choice

  • 2 Whole grain tortilla’s

As always be creative, put your own spin on it. Let me know if you enjoyed them and what you did to make them your own!



Power Bowls

These are awesome complete snacks or a quick meal on the go!!


  • 2 Tablespoons of your favorite nut butter…I dig almond butter

  • 1 Cup Oikos Triple Zero Greek Yogurt

  • 1/3 Cup Kind Healthy Grains Cinnamon Oat Granola

  • ½ a banana

  • ¼ cup blueberries

  • ¼ cup raspberries

 Spoons Up! Enjoy!

Obviously I’ll get one or two messages saying…

Well I don’t like almond butter…ok, use something different. I don’t like Kind Healthy Grains…ok, use something else

Get my point? Sub in what you like

“Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.”

G.K. Chesterton