Ever heard of EPOC? No, not Tupac.

Ever heard of EPOC? No, not Tupac.


Although that double album All Eyez On Me was damn dope.


EPOC stands for Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption. Also known as oxygen debt, EPOC is the amount of oxygen required to restore your body to its normal, resting level of metabolic function called homeostasis.


See your body is like your car in a sense. You drive it around then park it in the garage and the engine stays warm for a while after you turn it off.


Well, your body is the same. You get done working out and your body stays warm for a bit after you’re done working out. Your metabolism is still elevated and you’re still burning calories. Ahhh Very Nice!


When you’re working out and breathing hard your body goes into oxygen debt. This debt must be repaid to get your body back to normal, back to homeostasis. And this is done through the process of EPOC.


Here are some cool, Kliff Klaven facts about EPOC and why you should take advantage of it.

  1. Immediately after exercise oxygen is used to replace ATP(what your cells use for energy) used during your workout, re synthesis of muscle glycogen from lactate, restore 02 levels throughout the body, work with protein and carbohydrates to repair and re build muscle.

  2. Exercises that consume more oxygen, burn more calories. The body burns 5 calories for every liter of 02 consumed.

  3. Circuit training and heavy resistance training with short intervals increase the EPOC effect significantly.

  4. HIIT is the most effective way to maximize EPOC.

  5. EPOC is influenced by intensity of exercise, not duration.

  6. Research has shown that heavy resistance training provides a greater EPOC effect than steady state cardio...😧 say what?!?! It’s true Becky.

  7. The EPOC effect doesn’t last as long as most people suggest. It can burn an additional 6-15% of the total energy cost of the workout. EPOC levels off after a few hours after training depending on intensity and type. Metabolism is still SLIGHTLY elevated in the 24-48 hours post workout to help repair muscle damage.

Go get your EPOC on!!




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